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What is ATM? Difference Between Debit & Credit Card.

In the 21st century, backing systems have become as dynamic and accessible as they were unimaginable until the middle of the last century. In the past, you had to go through a long process to withdraw and deposit money in the bank. Today, with the development of technology, the banking system has... more

What is ATM? Difference Between Debit & Credit Card.

In the 21st century, backing systems have become as dynamic and accessible as they were unimaginable until the middle of the last century. In the past, you had to go through a long process to withdraw and deposit money in the bank. Today, with the development of technology, the banking system has become simple and dynamic. 

With the change of days, banking has become digital. Nowadays it is possible to transfer money from one end of the world to the other in a matter of seconds. All this has been possible because of the digital revolution. This is mainly possible due to the invention of the ATM. The full name of the ATM is Automated Teller Machine.

ATM was invented on 27 June 1967 by Indian-origin British inventor John Shepherd-Barron (23 June 1925 – 5 May 2010).



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